The real life story of East German singer and writer Gerhard Gundermann and his struggles with music, life as a coal miner and his dealings with the secret police (STASI) of the GDR.
The Legend of Timm Thaler: or The Boy Who Sold His Laughter
The Legend of Timm Thaler: or The Boy Who Sold His Laughter
The devil tricks a little boy off his laughter in exchange for assured wins in all his bets. It depicts his journey after the deal with the devil, how he loses his soul bit by bit with ...
As We Were Dreaming
As We Were Dreaming
Andreas Dresen's adaptation of Clemens Meyer's novel about a group of East German friends right after the fall of the Wall.
Summer in Berlin
Summer in Berlin
When you read the title ‘Summer on the Balcony’ you probably think it will be a light Berlin summer comedy but it’s not. This film is an intimate study of two women friends who come to ...